Our team at Leasor Crass is well-versed in assisting school districts and governmental entities during any stage of litigation, including:

  • Hearings before local school boards
  • Hearings before certified independent hearing examiners
  • Hearings before the state’s special education hearing officers
  • Contested cases and administrative proceedings at the Texas Education Agency
  • Proceedings before the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the Office of Civil Rights and the Texas Commission on Human Rights
  • Litigation in state and federal courts
  • Appeals in state and federal courts
What our clients say

Great Service, Professional Staff

Leasor Crass has been an invaluable asset to Wylie Independent School District for 8 years. As a trusted advisor and reliable guide, the firm has consistently supported us through every challenge we’ve faced. Their common sense and pragmatic approach to the law have earned them greater trust with each passing year. We feel incredibly fortunate to have them represent our school district. With their ongoing support and guidance, we are confident in our ability to overcome any obstacle as we continue to strive for educational excellence.

– Dr. David Vinson, Superintendent, Wylie Independent School District

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Leasor Crass, P.C.
January 24, 2025

New ICE Directive

On January 21, 2025, Acting Department of Homeland Security Benjamine Huffman issued a directive rescinding the Biden Administration’s guidelines that designated schools and other community services as “sensitive areas”.   Those guidelines had stated that to the extent possible, ICE agents should not carry out immigration enforcement activities in these locations. It is now unclear whether […]

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