Below are today’s updates regarding COVID-19 and its impact on Texas public schools.  For additional resources, please visit our COVID-19 page.

TEA Special Education Updates for the Week of May 11, 2020
Dean Micknal, Partner

The Texas Education Agency issued updated guidance on two Special Education issues under its General Guidance tab last week.

First, TEA revised its Residential Program and High Cost Fund Guidance to clarify that non-public day schools are considered “schools” per Governor Abbot’s executive orders and that those orders are applicable to school services provided at both non-public residential schools or programs and residential facilities.  This means that in-class instruction must remain temporarily closed, even though those facilities can maintain the residential components of their programs. TEA also advised that LEAs should work with non-public providers to review and potentially amend contract terms during this time.

TEA also reasserted that, because the U.S. Department of Education has not granted any waivers of IDEA requirements, High Cost Funds (HCFs) will continue to be based solely on services actually being provided to students. TEA also clarified that the HCF application deadline will be extended to June 1, 2020 and that schools that have already submitted the application may email to request their application be placed in “amend” status.

Finally, TEA also issued highly anticipated guidance regarding Considerations for Extended School Year and Compensatory Services which focuses on:

  • The differences between ESY and compensatory services for students with disabilities;
  • Key considerations for ensuring that students with disabilities receive continuity of services with minimal interruption during this unique situation; and
  • Where to find helpful resources and tips related to ESY and providing compensatory services to students with disabilities, including best practices for delivering services remotely or virtually.

Importantly, the guidance appears to confirm that TEA is adopting an individualized determination model with respect to compensatory services rather than mandating any sort of straight-line or 1:1 calculation.  The good news is that this reaffirms that while some students may require extensive compensatory services upon returning to normal operations, others will need minimal compensatory services, and those who have actually made progress on IEP goals may not require any at all.  Unfortunately, this also means that Special Education departments will be very busy, as each and every student will need to be evaluated to determine how much, if any, compensatory services need to be provided to mitigate the impact of the loss of critical skills or learning that might have occurred as a result of the inability to fully implement each IEP during the pandemic.

Please don’t hesitate to contact Leasor Crass, P.C. if we can provide further assistance on these matters.

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Great Service, Professional Staff

Leasor Crass has been an invaluable asset to Wylie Independent School District for 8 years. As a trusted advisor and reliable guide, the firm has consistently supported us through every challenge we’ve faced. Their common sense and pragmatic approach to the law have earned them greater trust with each passing year. We feel incredibly fortunate to have them represent our school district. With their ongoing support and guidance, we are confident in our ability to overcome any obstacle as we continue to strive for educational excellence.

– Dr. David Vinson, Superintendent, Wylie Independent School District

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Leasor Crass, P.C.
January 24, 2025

New ICE Directive

On January 21, 2025, Acting Department of Homeland Security Benjamine Huffman issued a directive rescinding the Biden Administration’s guidelines that designated schools and other community services as “sensitive areas”.   Those guidelines had stated that to the extent possible, ICE agents should not carry out immigration enforcement activities in these locations. It is now unclear whether […]

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